Now that we are halfway through our tips for Save Your Photos Month, it’s time to reexamine our WHY – the reason for organizing your photo collection. The most common motives tend to be to share and to tell a story with the photos and home movies in our collections. Think about it. Most of us walk around a great deal of the time with a camera/phone in our pocket or handbag. We spend a lot of time on social media accounts like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook sharing photos and antidotes. It’s because we care about telling our stories both visual and written. We want our stories to be heard. We love to sharing stories and our personal photos have become the fundamental way we do that now. That’s why capturing our family stories is just as important as saving our photos and home movies.

The challenge is how do we sort through mountains of photos and find the pictures that matter to us most, photos that we want to create narratives for? This is another area where a professional photo organizer can help.

Tip #19

Find Out How a Professional Photo Organizer Can Help You Capture Your Family Stories

There are many ways a professional organizer can help with your photo organizing project but when it comes to determining which photos you would like to write narratives for, you might be surprised how a professional can assist you. Here are a few examples:

  • Metadata – When a photo is digitized, photo metadata is collected and stored. Metadate is the information or details for a specific image file. It can include the date it was created, the author, file name, content, any background information you have written, themes, and more. Your photo organizing professional can use photo metadata to organize, sort, maintain image files within a system, and identify those photos that mean the most to you.
  • Facial Recognition – Professional photo organizers use facial recognition software to help clients group photos together based on the identities of the people in the photos. For example, if you are looking at creating a photo book for your grandmother with stories from different points throughout her life and you want to identify all the photos in your collection that feature her, facial recognition software can make this task a lot easier and quicker.
  • De-duplicating – This type of software is used by professional photo organizers to remove duplicate pictures from your collection making the sorting process faster and less overwhelming.

For more information about Save Your Photos Month or about the products and services that we offer, please contact us at or call us at 530-264-5995.

Mailing Address

11390 Ridge Rd.

Nevada City, CA 95959


(five three zero) 264-5995

info@goldstar photosolutions .com