Capturing the stories that go along with your family’s photos and home movies, might seem like an overwhelming task. To make the process more manageable, start with one photo or a series of photos from your collection.

Tip #16

Write Your Stories One At A Time

In Anne Lamott’s book “Bird By Bird,” she uses a story from her childhood to express her philosophy on life and writing. When Lamott’s brother was young, he sat at the family’s kitchen table with his homework in front of him. He was overwhelmed by a huge school project on birds. His father’s simple advice was to take it “bird by bird,” or one small step at a time. This is how you should approach writing your photo legacy – story by story.

To get started creating your family photo narratives, try this exercise:

  1. Choose a series of photos that represent an important or challenging time in your life. This could include a move, job change, going away to college, the birth of your first child, or even a pandemic.
  2. Write a few sentences about this time in your life and include it with photos from that period.

Once you have completed this first exercise, chose another series of photos and continue this process story by story.

For more information about Save Your Photos Month or about the products and services that we offer, please contact us at or call us at 530-264-5995.

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11390 Ridge Rd.

Nevada City, CA 95959


(five three zero) 264-5995

info@goldstar photosolutions .com