January is all about resolutions, making positive changes, and making fresh starts. For many, myself included, this means cleaning out closets, drawers, cabinets, and getting those old boxes down out of the attic to see what long-forgotten treasures I might find. It means taking on projects that I have put off for years because I just don’t know where to start. That’s what makes January a great time to get started organizing those photo memories.

I realize that taking on an organizing project can seem overwhelming and daunting. I recommend breaking it down into sections. Think of it as a board game with a logical starting place, a mid-way point, and an ending goal.

Find Your Why

Ironically, the best place to begin your photo organizing project is at the end. Ask yourself what the goal of the project is.

  • Do you want to share your collection of photo memories with your loved ones?
  • Is photo restoration an end goal for you?
  • Are you looking to create a celebration slide show or movie?
  • Do you envision a photo gallery in your home?

Determining your end goal will help you know where to begin.

Create Time and Space For Your Project

Now that you have your goals in mind, it’s time to create a timeline to help you get started and keep you on track.

  • Decide how long you want your project to take. This step is important because if you don’t determine a specified amount of time, you could be working on this project for weeks, months, even years.
  • Ask yourself how much time do you want to devote to this project on a daily or weekly basis?
  • Determine where you will be working on your organizing project. A designated space will allow you to pick-up and put-down project materials as time allows and keep your organizing efforts from being disturbed.
  • Remember that you can always contact a professional photo organizer to help you create a plan to help your project run smoothly and end on time.

Make A G.O.L.D. Plan

Once you have determined your goals and created a timeline for your project, you need to design a plan for your project. Keep in mind that your plan will be individual to your collection and your needs. To make it easy, just remember the acronym G.O.L.D.:

  • Gather -Your plan should include how and where to locate your photo and film memories. Perhaps they are scattered throughout your home or are being stored with family members.
  • Organize– Create a family timeline or organize by location.
  • Label and Date– Identify locations, dates, and the people in your photos or films and label them. This is a great time to ask family members to help with this project.
  • Decide which parts of your project you want to hire a professional organizer to help you with and which parts of your project you would like to tackle yourself. Or perhaps, you would like to hire a professional organizer to take on all the aspects of your project. At Gold Star Photo Solutions, we also offer in-person, online, and phone coaching to help guide you through every aspect of your project.

For more information about the products and services that we offer at Gold Star Photo Solutions including coaching services, please contact us at info@goldstarphotosolutions.com or call us at 530-264-5995.



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11390 Ridge Rd.

Nevada City, CA 95959


(five three zero) 264-5995

info@goldstar photosolutions .com