When my children were very small, I began a holiday tradition that everyone in our family has grown to love and look forward to.  Every year, I create a personalized photo book for each one of my children.

These photo books tell the story of their lives one snapshot at a time.

Photo Books

They are made up of pictures depicting birthday parties, holiday celebrations, parades, fireworks and Easter egg hunts.

Most of all, they are made up of so many firsts – the first lost tooth, the first step, the first snow flake drifting down onto an outstretched palm, the first day of school, the first bike ride without training wheels, the first puppy, the first sleepover where mom and dad didn’t have to pick them up at 2:00 AM, the first dance, the first concert and the first graduation where it struck dad how quickly our kids grow up and grow away from us.

And there were some lasts too – the last Thanksgiving with grandpa and the last time Emily ate meat after she realized that bacon came from pigs like Wilbur and Babe.

Personalized photo books not only make the perfect gift, they capture precious moments of our lives that are fleeting. When we created Gold Star Photo Solutions, we knew that helping our clients create their own photo books was something we needed to do.

This holiday season, let us help you create unique and personalized photo books for your loved ones.


(five three zero) 264-5995

info@goldstarphotosolutions .com


Beautiful Nevada County, California